Site Planning
Curved driveways are encouraged. 12’ driveway width maximum to the garage court; the maximum width for straight drives is 18’.
Placement of the homes on the sites should be varied with regards to front and side setbacks. The intent is to provide a diverse streetscape from lot to lot.​

Front home setbacks to be a minimum of 20’.
Side Setbacks 10’.
Rear Setbacks 20’.
50% Open Space Required.​

Plan layout and setback variances will be reviewed by the DRC based on lot necessity.​

Setbacks establish the front face of the building.
No construction activity shall occur outside of the buildable area.
Vary garage placement, side loading is preferred.​

Outdoor spaces are encouraged and may be developed amidst the rock formations. When this occurs, retaining structures should be of stone to complement the natural outcrops.
Development of patios and terraces formed with low landscape walls is strongly encouraged.​

Front porches and patios are encouraged for a sense of entry and welcoming.
Accessory structures of any kind are prohibited.
Attached Accessory dwelling units are not permitted.